Daizaburo Watanabe

Daizaburo Watanabe with his Peter Eaton International clarinet Daizaburo Watanabe maintains an active schedule of performances in solo recitals and chamber ensembles throughout Japan, the United States and Europe and was with the Sapporo Symphony Orchestra for many years from 1978. After graduating from the Musashino Music Academy in Tokyo, he continued his studies in the United States with William T. Gower, Robert Marcellus, Bernard Portnoy and Gino Cioffi. He teaches at Hokkaido Educational University and Sapporo Otani Junior College and is well known for his active promotion of the works of contemporary Japanese composers. His chamber music recordings include trios by Mozart and Bruch, the Brahms Clarinet Quintet, and works for unaccompanied clarinet by Nagako Konishi.

Daizaburo Watanabe changed to Peter Eaton International model clarinets during 1999. "I am now using your clarinets for all my orchestral and chamber music concerts because they are so sensitive and easy to play, with good, warm sound and good intonation. The other members of our woodwind section are also very satisfied with them."

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